reShoring in America.

Throughout the 1970’s a trend emerged in which American corporations were able to rapidly increase profitability by finding low cost alternatives to domestic manufacturing. The ensuing “offshoring” revolution led to a rapid expansion in globalization most obviously seen in China and other countries of Eastern Asia. While immense profits were made, American firms began effectively exchanging trade secrets and intellectual property for increased margins. It is difficult to measure the economic impact of America’s obsession with offshoring, but it is clear that a consistent trade deficit is not sustainable.

Despite our continued offshoring, our hospitals, universities, and entrepreneurs continue to innovate in ways that make the world a better place. Constant offshoring has depleted America of the infrastructure needed for these inventors to produce their goods and services onshore. By covering the latest news on American reShoring we hope to provide the tools to return production to America while ensuring future production never leaves.